[05:06:02] <-- ChanServ has left this channel. [05:06:05] --> freenodecom has joined this channel (~com@freenode/staff). [05:06:05] *** OperServ gives channel operator privileges to freenodecom. [05:06:05] *** freenodecom gives channel operator privileges to freenodecom. [05:06:05] *** freenodecom sets the channel topic to "This channel has moved to ##trinity-desktop. The topic is in violation of freenode policy: https://freenode.net/policies". [05:06:05] This channel has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The topic is in violation of freenode policy: https://freenode.net/policies [05:06:05] *** freenodecom takes channel operator privileges from SlavekB. [05:06:05] *** freenodecom takes the permission to talk from SlavekB. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ sets the channel mode to 'invite only'. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ sets the channel mode to 'moderated'. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ sets the channel mode to 'private'. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ sets the channel mode to 'secret'. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ sets channel mode +f [05:06:05] *** ChanServ removes the ban on ##trinity-desktop. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ removes the ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:06:05] *** ChanServ removes the ban on Pual!*@*. [05:06:06] *** ChanServ removes the ban on *!~sultan2@unaffiliated/sultan2. [05:06:06] *** ChanServ removes the ban on sultan2!*@*. [05:06:07] The new channel is ##trinity-desktop [05:06:13] <-- freenodecom has left this channel.